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6th Annual WV Behavioral and Mental Health Technical Assistance Center Conference

Posted 06/07/23

Photo for 6th Annual WV Behavioral and Mental Health Technical Assistance Center Conference

Charleston, WV - The idea of working smarter, not harder is not a new concept and something most strive to accomplish in their personal and work life. But that’s no easy task! The Child Development and Disabilities Coordinator along with the Child Development and Disabilities Assistant attended the 6th annual WV Behavioral and Mental Health Technical Assistance Center Conference in Charleston this week. They attended sessions on establishing systems, enhancing skills, and empowering people. During the two days of professional learning, county and state leaders, administrators, school faculty and staff (preschool-secondary) had the opportunity to network, interact with leadership teams, access resources, and share in the excitement of the hard work that is being done in our great state.

Thank you ladies and our program support systems will benefit from your participation!