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Play and Learning

Posted 11/16/23

Photo for Play and Learning

Brooke County, WV - Miss Diamond shares just how the children of the Brooke High School Head Start Center designed their choice time/plan and play. The pre-k students sketched out what each area of the classroom would represent, and then they acted out the role of a customer or staffer. The dramatic play area was a restaurant, the block center was build a grocery store , the art area was making your own food with play dough and the discovery area was 'which food are healthy to eat and what foods you should stay away from'. The children enjoyed the various options of play and learning. The children took part in building communication skills, social interactions, problem solving and creative thinking, just for starters. These are developmental skills that set them on the right path for kindergarten.

How can your child participate in our pre-k experience ? Email us and provide your child's age, list the town you reside in, and a contact # and we will have the early childhood professional in your community reach out. Talk with you soon